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Enrolment Form

Enrolment Procedure

  1. An “Application for Enrolment” form is completed in full by parents or guardians.
  2. Upon receipt of the completed application form with all requested documents attached, including payment of the administration and assessment fee of $160.00 (non-refundable), an interview for parents/guardians and the student will be arranged with one of the College Executive members.
  3. Once interviews have been finalised, parents/guardians will be notified in writing with regards to the acceptance of their enrolment. Upon receiving an acceptance letter, an enrolment fee of $500.00 (refundable) is paid to confirm the enrolment.
  4. The enrolment agreement is a way of helping to forge closer links between members of the College community, parents/guardians, students and teachers, so that the aims of the College might be best fulfilled. Should any conflict occur between any members of the College community, all parties concerned should be prepared to come together to discuss the matter at hand with openness to what is best for the student’s wellbeing, education and development.  The normal course for cases of any repeated misbehaviour should be that prompt and appropriate action be taken by the student’s parents/guardians before the College has to apply more serious sanction.

Enrolment Form

Enrolment Documents